How To Have A Hobby Without Committing To One?

3 min readJun 6, 2021


We all have been asked the famous question, “ Whats Is Your Hobby.”and you have probably answered with reading, writing, or horse riding while at the time you likely only read school books, were forced to write your assignments, and have never ridden a donkey!! Not to judge, I did the same.

I have always struggled to try to find “THE HOBBY” that I will spend the rest of my life practicing because that’s what we have been taught and is 100% incorrect, especially if you are a person who always likes to try new things however gets bored quickly and stops.

This doesn’t apply to relationships because humans aren’t objects, obviously :).

What is the answer?

When someone asks you what your hobby is, your answer should be “Exploring.” How they ask, I explore different hobbies practiced by other individuals daily, and I don’t have to master them, you answer.

The 6 Phases Method

The best thing about this method is you don’t need to commit to anything other than the 6 phases and a notebook that you need to keep,

  1. There is no time limit.
  2. There are no steps to follow.
  3. The last phase can help you earn extra money (depending on the hobby).

You start by picking the new hobby you want to learn. To explain I will choose the guitar.

Phase 1: you purchase the guitar. It has to be a good quality guitar; however, not an extremely expensive one (check youtube to find the type that suits you).

Phase 2: get the notebook and start learning the basics of guitar

  • basic cordes
  • tunning methods (there are tons of apps for that)
  • Ext,.

Phase 3: learn to play a specific song.

Phase 4: play the song in front of someone

  • Family member.
  • Group of friends.
  • You can even film yourself playing the song.

Phase 5: play a clip that you invented

# It doesn’t have to be a long pro clip, even a simple one-minute clip that applies what you have learned, and you have to be the one that invented it.

Now you need to choose if you want to keep learning the guitar or have already found something else that interests you.

Phase 6: this is the phase where you are bored now and don’t want to continue with the guitar, and actually you may be thinking of another hobby to try; however, you don’t want your money to be wasted, so the solutions are

  • Resell the guitar: we have hundreds of websites to sell things such as E-bay (Sell the guitar at a higher price than you bought it with if possible to get the extra $).
  • Document your learning journey and post it on a youtube channel of yours.
  • Film a beginner’s course and share it on SkillShare.
  • Share your notes on websites that would pay for them.

All the following ways may help you make money out of having fun, so you don’t have to waste money just because you want to learn something new every time, then you can move on to your next hobby.

The NoteBook

Documenting all of your hobbies in your notebook will definitely benefit you someday, either by selling a copy of your journals or keeping them to inspire others to learn. And most importantly, motivate yourself to defeat any challenges as you will remember how many skills you have learned and challenges you have overcome in life.

How to apply the 6 phases method on anything non-musical

What I have loved about this method is that you can do anything you want. All you have to do is go through 6 phases with the hobby, and you cant leave halfway. However, after the phases are over, you get to decide if you want to continue or stop.

GoodLuck with Your Exploring Mission.




Written by Malak.

A Trip In My Boisterousness Mind.

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